Monday, December 10, 2012

Prayer: Best Christmas Present EVER.

Christmas is upon us and while everyone is running around buying presents, baking, decorating and just in general being busy-its hard to find the time to pray.

Prayer is a simple thing. It's just tapping on God's shoulder and talking to Him about whats going on, or what needs need to be met, etc. However, its often forgotten about in all the craziness. Its really a shame because some people could really use a prayer to get through the holidays.

Not everybody is having a good time or the means to give their families a good Christmas morning. Some people are sick or hurting in the heart and some people are so lonely they can't stand it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Devotion For The Week of November 26-December 2nd 2012

Good morning friends.  It's foggy this morning in Horry County.  It's quite beautiful as the sun comes up from behind the trees around the pond in our back yard.  I watch Trumpet and Drummer race together across the pond's chilly water.  They are the two mallards of our neighbor, Mr. Jimmy.  He has spent lots of time giving them attention and has trained them quite remarkably.  They are such a delight to watch.  They play with our little black and white toy poodle, Bailey.  Enjoyable to watch them playing together.  Anything can be taught with a little love and patience, I believe and so does Mr. Jimmy.

It's 34 degrees now but it's gonna be a beautiful day in Conway, SC.  Every day can be  beautiful if we realize, and remember, how blessed we are.  First of all, we're blessed to have Jesus as our Savior.  We are more than blessed to have life, to have any shelter from the cold, to be dry, to have anything to eat and drink.  We are blessed if we have a coat, clothes, and shoes.  Not to mention good health, or if not so good, to have life.  We are richly blessed if we have two arms, two legs, a decent brain, and can hear, see, and talk.  What does it matter about some things?  We can make adjustments on a lot of things.

It's the things that we do have that we need to be thankful for.  Have you ever thought about being thankful for the time God has given you?  When I was sick for such a long while, I lost a few years of my life (or so it seemed).  Now that I'm healed there's so much I want to make up for.  Can I?  No, of course not but I don't want to waste any time that God has given back to me and my husband.  Time is precious.  Make the most of it with the people you love.  Put God first and I believe He will work the rest of the knots in life out.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Devotion for The Week of November 12th-18th 2012

Good morning friends.  This is Wednesday  Nov. 14th, 2012.  It's another beautiful day in Conway, SC and the county of Horry that is.  Right on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.  WOW!  To me, the most beautiful place in the world to live.  We have pretty clean air and the weather, for the most part, is wonderful.  The # 2 vacation spot in the USA.  The Blue Ridge mountains are relatively close to us as well as some large cities.  We now have a wide variety of people living here.  Wow, and as Pastor Dr. Jerry Howell says many times, "I believe I'll say that backwards - Wow".

     When I was a young girl growing up here in Conway, we didn't have to close our windows for security.  We didn't even have locks on them.  There wasn't any need to ever lock the doors during the daytime.  My little brother and I stayed home by ourselves while our Mother went off to work at AVX in Myrtle Beach, SC.  She worked the 2nd and 3rd shifts.  See, my Dad was the town drunk and very abusive to my Mother.  She was strong and worked very hard to provide for her 2 babies that was left at home with her after the other 6 children had left.  Daddy left, also.  Times were hard and Mama was especially hard on me.  She was SO strict.  I now know she wanted only the best things in life for me.

It took years of growing and some whippings for me to realize this.  She was proud of me and loved me very much.  She saw a quality in me that was better than just average or just the run of the mill.  I believe, in the very beginning, she resented me.  Maybe because my Dad named me after one of his girlfriends, Carol.  When I was very young Mama said I was marked by that girlfriend.  Who knows to this day what that meant.  But anyway, we made it just the same.  She would dress me up in the finest attire and she, little brother Michael, and I would walk to church on 4th Ave. in Conway.  My eyes were dark and big, my hair dark and long.  I was short and not very big.  Not too bad on the eyes at that time.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Devotion For The Week of November 5th-11th, 2012

 Hello.  Today is Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012 - the day after!!!!  What is to come is is yet to be seen!  It's a beautiful day in Conway, SC.  Still a bit chilly but that's ok.  It's dry and breezy but beautiful.  No where else I'd rather be than in South Carolina.  I want to say thanks to all the voters for getting out and voting their choices.  This election deepens my desire to go into politics because it seems some Christians are losing faith that God is in CONTROL.

He will take care of His people, regardless of the outcome at the voting places.  Praise God!  Remember Jehovah-Jirah, He is our Provider.  God provides-not man.  But we must live, trust and obey our Heavenly Father!  There will be some sacrifices to make in our lives!

 It's devotion time.  My devotion today is taken from Psalms 136:1-29 KJV.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Devotion for Week of October 29th -November 4th, 2012

 Hi.  Today is Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012.  It's 6 AM and 37 degrees in Conway, SC.  A little chilly and breezy, but it's time for things to cool off.  It's that time of the year.  I like the change of seasons.  When I was younger I only liked summer and winter.  I Believe that was so I could be out of school in the summer and in the winter(the cold season) Santa Claus came to our house.

Now that I've grown up some and my hair is gray, I've learned to love all the seasons:  spring with new life and beginning; summer with the sun's heat and the rain; fall with the change of colors; and winter with the death of old things and bad things, Thanksgiving, Christmas, renewal and new beginning of a new year.  It's a chance to start over again, another chance to get things right with God and family.  A new beginning, a fresh start!  Once again, something to look forward to, a new year, 2013, if the Lord tarries His return.

But for today, it is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalms 118:24).  Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."  Praise God for you and the plans He has for us in our lives.  He has ordained it and it will be carried out if we stay in His will doing what He has called us to do, serve Him, worship Him, and obey Him.  Praise His Holy Name - Jesus.  Amen.

Our devotion for today is Learning to Stand.  Following are the scriptures for our devotion, taken from Ephesians 6:10-17 KJV:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Devotion For The Week of October 22nd-28th, 2012


Today is Tuesday, October 23, 2012.  Another beautiful day in Conway, SC.  This weather is just perfect - need a light jacket in the mornings and short sleeves the rest of the day.  Plenty of sunshine for walks on the beach, for golfers on the links, or for Mom and kids to enjoy a great day at the park.  God is so very good to us!  We live in the greatest place on Planet Earth, Horry County, SC specifically Conway, SC - the South, the bible belt on the east coast of the USA.

Now, enough of all that bragging on my home state and county.  Good Morning.  God is good and He is everywhere.  That is one of the wonderful attributes I love most about Him.  He is not limited to space like we are!  He is omnipresent.  He's on time all the time.
Last week we spoke of the Lord my Rock, Yahweh, Tsur.  In the Old Testament, God's proper name is Yahweh (Jehovah).  This is His covenant name to His people, Israel.  His most sacred name must not be taken in vain.

Let's speak today of the redemptive names of God, Yahweh - Yireh and His promises.  Jehovah-Jireh, the God Who provides.  Let's look at the fulfillment of His promise in Genesis 22:1-14 concerning Abraham and Isaac.  This is the first act of worship mentioned in the bible.  It is also the first use of the word "love" in scripture (Gen. 22:2).

Thursday, October 18, 2012

On The Road Again...Check out Ms. June's Mountain Trip Video!

Ms. June was A'travlin' again this past week and we thought that we would do a little something different  and instead of sharing just pictures, we would put together a little movie of sorts....

So, without further ado, here is Ms. June's Mountain Trip Movie. Brought to you via YouTube...
Also, get this week's devotion by clicking here...

One theme in the video is all the beautiful fall colors that have begun to show as the season changes form the

Devotion For The Week of October 15th-21st, 2012

Today is Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012.

 What a beautiful morning to wake up to.  5:30 AM, weather is wonderful, 48 degrees and fair.  Rain last night.  Washed the dirt out of the air.  No rain called for this day.  Wow!  This is the day the Lord hast made.  I (let us) rejoice and be glad in it (Psalms 118:24).


 Let's make it personal for each of us!  Yahweh is responsible for this and it is amazing for us to see (Psalms 118:23).  Yahweh is the Lord.  His personal Hebrew name is Yahweh.  Let Jesus Christ, Yahweh, be Lord of our lives!!!  We re another day closer to His return for His bride.  Are you ready?

     A special thanks to my friend Abbi.  You'll never know what a special blessing you have become to me.  Thanks for the devotion on Oct. 10, 2012 on fear.  It touched my heart.  I know it did for others as well.  People from around the world received it - from the Netherlands, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, France and other countries.  Also, my home country, the USA.  Thank you all!!!  It is so good to see you touching base weekly.  I trust God that you receive something special from Him.  Please remit your comments.  I love to hear from you.


     Yahweh - Tsur    The Lord my Rock  (The Names of God Bible, God's Word Translation)

     Scripture - Isaiah 26:3, 4;  Psalms 62:1, 2;  Psalms 95:1

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Devotion For Week of October 8th-14th, 2012 Fighting Fear

Abbi here. Two of my most favorite scriptures are: Psalm 46: 10 which says, "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” and 2nd Timothy 1:7 which says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind".You see, I dealt with fear everyday of my life as a child.

I was the scardy cat in the family and I was afraid of a whole plethora of things. Dogs, storms, harsh sounds, yelling, fights, the ocean, you name it. The dark was one of my big fears and it got to where I couldn't sleep by myself. Now, my mama did not take kindly to the devil trying to scare her baby, plus she had two other children to tend to and we simply did not have time for me to be scared of every little thing, so one night she told me something that comforted me and I have never forgotten it.

She repeated our  family motto ( "it will be alright") and She recited 2nd Timothy 1:7 and told me to repeat that until I went to sleep. So I did, and as I lay there repeating that promise to myself I started to feel better, at ease, and sleepy! I fell asleep that night and didn't wake up once. After that I tried it during the day when fear would try and come and it worked again!

The more I said it the more I trusted that not only had I not been given a spirit of fear but that God was there to protect me because He was the one who gave me the spirit of love and power in the first place. Sometimes the fear would come unexpectedly and I would momentarily forget my promise and I would run to grandmother or mama and they would hold me and say "everything will be alright" and they would remind me of the promise and I would instantly feel better.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Out And About

I've been very busy this week after getting back from my Florida trip.  Had lunch Wednesday with the Redeemed, Miss Abbi, at the Trestle in downtown Conway, SC. Wow, it was scrumptious.  I had my usual, the fruited chicken salad plate. It hit the spot.  It's always enough for two meals for me.

Most of all I enjoyed the company of my friend, Miss Abbi.  She is so delightful and very sweet and smart. Though she's much younger than I, I know I can learn much from her.  Especially this tech stuff.  She's a whiz and I'm a fiz but I will learn in time.  I'm not THAT old and she is patient and very kind!

Wednesday night at church (Fountain of Life Ministries or FOLM), we had a good crowd, especially for mid-week bible study.  Our pastor, Dr. Jerry Howell, outdid himself.  He taught how to be a successful christian.  He gave us four steps for success in Christ and used the following scriptures:  1 Chron 28: 9,10 and 1 Kings 2:3

    The Four Steps:

     1.  Know the God of our fathers.
     2.  Know His Word.

     3  Know how to pray.

     4.  Know how to stand with integrity.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

She's Back! Devotion For The Week of October 1st-7th 2012 -PLUS! Pictures From The Trip! :)

Ms. June and her roommate for the trip :) 

Hello.  Today is Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012.

Wow, it's a grand day here in Horry County.  For those of you that do not know where Horry County is, it's in northeastern South Carolina and includes the Atlantic Ocean coastline known as the Greater Grand Strand Area.  Myrtle Beach and the Greater Grand Strand was voted the number two favorite place for family vacations in our wonderful USA!  Probably in the entire world!!

Thank you Abbi for standing in for me last week.  I was given Divine favor and offered an expense free trip to Florida to visit the Holy Land Experience in Orlando.  Also included were visits to other beautiful attractions such as Bok Gardens, which is a botanical garden with beautiful birds and flowers.  We also visited orange groves, Disney Candy Shop where the candy is made, and much shopping in downtown Orlando.  I met many wonderful people of all ages and from different countries (Pakistan, Mexico, Germany, etc).  Three different couples were honeymooning, so in love and full of joy and expectations of their futures together.  Each day I tried to show Jesus off and invite somebody to Him.  I encouraged people to go to a church where the truth of God is preached.  There they would find the answers to peace, love and joy.  As a songwriter wrote in a song "I may not have seen God but I have seen what He can do".

Some highlights from the trip....

The Holy Land Experience...

A lady has to have her phone! :)


Wonderful praise and worship

The trip clown

Some of the awesome staff!

The entrance

(Click Here to view the whole album and get an inside visitors look at The Holy Land Experience, a breathtaking production and retelling of Jesus Christ's time on earth, Bok Gardens, Shops, restaurants and so much more! )

Not the exact words of the song but you get the gist of the meaning.  I promise you people, whoever you are, whatever you have done, or whatever you may be thinking right now, God has the answer.  You have tried the world and the world (with all its sins) has no pleasure or joy that will last.  It will leave you empty and alone in darkness, afraid with no where to run or nowhere to hide.  Jesus is soon to return for His children.  Today, open your heart, your mind, and your soul - ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sin.  The Word of God says "For we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  There has never been a perfect person on Earth except Jesus Christ and He was perfect because He was then and is now the Son of the only true Living God Jehovah.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ms. June's A' travalin'..... Devotion For The Week Of September 24th-30th 2012

 Abbi here, taking over blog duties while Ms. June is away. She is off this week to the Holy Land Experience in Orlando Florida for a week long tour. It was sort of last minute but she is excited and I just wanted to share a quick note for prayer for her safety while on the road.

So, while she is away I will be taking care of the devotion for this week. Bare with me here folks I a no Ms. June but I will do my best. I like devotions that have stories so I think I 'll share some of mine about traveling and God's protection...

When I was a child and we went on trips my mama would always pray as she packed our bags and got everything together. I can still hear her quite voice praying for our safety as we traveled and for a "trip without incidents or accidents" that we would "go and return completely whole."

Sometime this would get on my nerves, especially if she waited to do it when we had finally gotten everybody and everything packed into the truck. I was impatient and just wanted to hear the radio. But most times I was grateful that she did it. Once she was finished I knew that God  had heard her and that He knew that we were claiming a safe and happy trip and would make sure of it and  I didn't worry about anything from that moment on.

And mama's prayers worked cause when it came to driving, Daddy was convinced he was Jeff Gordan and the interstate was the Darlington Motor Speedway and I know that the only reason we are all alive today is because of Mama's praying and God's divine intervention. And in all of our traveling, in the days before strict car seat and seat belt laws no less, we were never involved in a serious accident.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Devotion For The Week of September 17 -23 2012


Today is Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012 on Planet Earth.  Hope this is a better day for you all.  I was happy and blessed to see more connections from you in the USA and around the world.  Again, I trust that Jehovah God - the Great I Am - is with you all today.  He loves you and is very concerned about everything that touches your life (seen and unseen).


 Lord Jesus, we love You and we thank You for Who You are, our Creator and the Giver of life.  We thank You for loving us, for Your grace and for Your mercy that keeps us day after day.  Jesus, we repent of any sin in our life and we ask You, Lord Jesus, to forgive us and make us whole again that we may be in right standing with You and with our families and friends we love.  Your word teaches us to love one another.
Prepare us Lord until we meet on the other side or until You come.  Let us be in one accord.  Anoint this message.  May it go forth and souls be won into Your Kingdom, for Your Glory.  Thank You Lord and bless Your people.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Our devotion for today is taken from Gen.50:20.  What was meant for evil for Joseph, God turned it into good.  In the verse, Joseph said "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass as it is this day, to save much people alive".

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Devotion For The Week of September 10th-16th 2012

September 11, 2012  It's Tuesday morning, 7:30am.  Looking for another beautiful day in Horry County in our State of South Carolina, on Planet Earth.

Good Morning Friends!

Thank you for checking in Local friends.  A Special Thanks to you all in Russia, Germany, France, United Kingdom and other parts of the world.  I'm so glad to know you are reading my devotions.  I trust God that you are gaining some strength and encouragement from them.  It is the intent.

May today be a special blessing to you all.  By the way, it is a blessing to me to know you are out there reading these devotions given to me from my Savior Jesus Christ.

Now Let's Get Into One:

Philippians 4:4.12 - Paul says, "Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again; Rejoice!".  v12  I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want.

Psalm 102:27 - But you (GOD) remain the same and your years will never end.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Recipe: Sausage, Peppers, and Onions

Sausage, Peppers, and onions by Sherryllynn Bell

2-4 lbs of link Italian sausage - Mild or spicy, whichever you prefer
3-4 large white or yellow onions - Vidallias are ok too, when available
5 large bell peppers - red, orange, yellow or green are ok or a mixture of all
2 tablespoons oregano - optional
olive oil
one jar of spaghetti sauce - whichever brand you prefer

You will need a slow cooker, skillet, and a large pot.

I first put all the sausage in a large pot and fill with water.  Poke a few fork holes or  2 to 3 knife slits in each link so when they boil, they release all the fatty juice.  Boiling time is approx. 30-45 minutes.  The links will look gray in color but that's alright.  They will be cooked through.

While the sausage is boiling, wash and cut your peppers in strips to a width you prefer.  Peel and slice the onions.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Out And About

Boy, I've been busy the last several days.

     Mr. Roger and I had dinner at Copper's Friday night.  If you have not tried that eatery, please do!  Ms. Susie will treat you right.  Chances are her grandson, Charlie, will wait on you.  He is so nice.  That night, we tried something new.  It was one of the "soups of the day", a creole soup.  My goodness, it was delicious, spicy but yummy yummy.  I closed my eyes and pretended I was in New Orleans for an evening (perhaps) with my husband, Mr. Roger, and our good neighbor, Mr. Jimmy, at dinner.  It is quiet at Coppers.  We don't like to eat where there is a lot of noise.  It is not good for the digestive tract, you know.  That night, along with the jambalaya soup, we had grilled grouper.  We usually have that and, as always, it was great!  Go by there and eat.  Tell them Ms. June told you about them.  You will enjoy the meal and the atmosphere.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Prayer for Ms. June

Ms. June's assistant, Abbi, here asking special prayer for Ms. June. She was admitted to Conway Medical Center late Saturday evening with a pain in her chest and is still there today. The doctors are doing everything they can and while they do not believe her life is in any immediate danger they are still trying to find out exactly what is wrong.

I am asking all of her readers to stand with me and her church in prayer for her health and recovery as well as strength for Mr. Roger. The bible teaches us that we are underneath the promise of the 91st Psalm and that, "If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone." (Psalm 91 10-12 NIV)

We will all stand an agree that Ms. June is the healed of the Lord and that by His stripes she well. It says in His word that "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." ( Isaiah 53:5 NIV) the devil cannot rob her of her health he cannot come in and take from her what the Lord has given and he Will Not be victorious.

We will pray for her rest and that peace throughout her body and mind, and declare She is well in Jesus name.

Her newest Out and About and Recipe posts will post later this week. Thank you for tuning in every week to Ms. June's blog, she loves every single one of her readers and loves connecting with all of you. Thank you gain for keeping her and her family in your prayers.

God Bless!! -Abbi

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Devotion August 28, 2012

Today is Tuesday, August 28, 2012 in Conway, SC in the USA on Planet Earth.

Good morning friends,
It is a good day.  We are alive and given another day to praise God.  let's start by praising Him.  Psalms 118:24 says "This is the day the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it".

Verse 28 reads "Thou art my God, and I will praise Thee; thou art my God, I will exalt (lift up) Thee".  Verse 29 states "O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever".

Friends, this simply means that today is the day of salvation.  Jesus came that we could have a new life because of, and through, Him.  God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth to live among man and woman, to feel as we do - the pain, emotions, afflictions, etc.  He came to save us out of the sin we are born into.  This salvation was, and is, possible because He was the perfect holy and acceptable sacrifice unto God.  He loves us so much.  Can you fathom this?  Have you ever loved anyone so much you would do anything for them?  That love is only a drop in the bucket compared to the love of God.  Agape love!  Pure love!  Unconditional love!  Our Lord loves you that much!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Devotion, Wednesday August 22, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012 on Planet Earth.

Hello Friends,

     I'm moving later today than normal.  It's been busy this morning.  Some would say it's "monkey business".  I say it's my business relating to things I need to get done.  Still need to get by Agape on Hwy 378 to visit with my hospice people.  How about you?  Have you been busy?

     We've had quite a bit of rain here on Hwy 701 South in Conway the last few weeks.  The water table should be up in the rivers and lakes.  It is in our pond.  Mr. Roger and I have seen the water level real low in the pond in the past.  Temperatures are nice this week.  Don't you think  low to mid 80s is great for this time of year.  Makes me wanna shout and praise God.  He is so good to us (and to everybody).  We need to be still and take time to thank Him for His many blessings.  He is so rich in His mercy and His mercies are new each morning!

     I trust you are feeling well and even better this week than you were last week.  Did you read up on the healing scriptures I left with you.  If not, please go back and try and regain them.  The word of God will help if you accept Him, trust Him, and serve Him completely.  He will make you whole!

                                                                                   Today's Devotion

     Last week I spoke to you more about myself than ever before.  I mentioned things about my past health known only by a very few close people and doctors - several of who tried and failed at healing me or even making me better.  I repeat what I said last week.  I am not against doctors.  God placed them here for a purpose.  I especially lift up the ones that are guided by the Holy Spirit.  I think a lot of the family doctor I have been seeing for the last several years.  She found Mr. Roger's heart problem and he now goes to her as his family doctor (VA before).  I've started taking more notice concerning my son and his family's health.  He and his wife are past 40.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Today is August 13, 2012 on Planet Earth.

Today is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  (Psalm 118:24)
Also, it is my lovely daughter-in-law's (Sherryllynn Bell) birthday.  From me to you--Happy Birthday, Ruthie.  I love you!!

     Now for our devotion.  Good morning, friends.  It is still very early.  The roosters haven't even started crowing yet.  But it's Monday so they're probably sleeping in for a while.  We don't know what this day may bring so let us be ready.  Have you prayed yet to our Heavenly Father?  If not, join with me in doing so now.
  Father God, we come unto You with a grateful heart.  We thank You for another day You have given us to make better choices than we did yesterday.  We thank You for a better night's sleep, and for all things we praise You.  We put our trust in You to meet our needs for today.  You have promised us provisions IF we obey and keep Your words and follow You and Your plans.  May we enter into the joys of the Lord to please You, Father.  We welcome you Holy Spirit into our life.  Guide us to be a light to them in darkness that we may lead someone to give their heart, soul, mind, and body completely over to You.  Use us as vessels to save souls from hell's fire and all there is in it.  Thank You Lord Jesus.  We praise You Holy One for You alone are worthy.  Amen.

                 TODAY'S MESSAGE - Healing and Living Through the Presence of God
     In the beginning of 2011, I knew some drastic changes had to be made in my life.  I had been sick and down long enough!  In fact, way too long!  My spiritual eyes had scales on them.  In fact, they were almost sealed shut!  As I sat in my husband's recliner on a Sat. morning, I felt Death encamp about me.  I could see and feel the dark cloud and I was afraid.  I was not ready to die even though I had prayed a very silly and selfish thing - for God to take my life.  I was SO tired of being sick and tired.  The pain seemed more than I could bear.  I was completely disgusted with my life.  I had wallowed in self-pity long enough!  God said "Enough is enough!  Get up and get on with your life.  There is much to do and people much worse off than you.  I will heal, help and sustain you"!  Praise God.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Out And About With Ms. June

Hello there.  I did get out a little this week.  I got by the Haberdashery and say my friends Tracy, Russell, and Eileen.  They were busy.  They had a big sale going on.  I found several pairs of shoes.  You should go by and check it out.  They've got some pretty hats.  Hats are in.  Get yourself one for fun or glamour.  Go for it.  I've been wearing one for a few years now.  I didn't care if they were in or not.  I just love them, as did my Mother. I also dropped by Curtains and Things.  I love that store. you can find so many neat things in there.  The ladies are so nice.  Little Ms. Nancy helps out in there.  She's part of the family, too.  She was working when I went in.  She is a darling.  Go by and see them.  Tell them I sent you there way.  They are on 3rd Ave in Conway.font-family:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Today is Wednesday, Aug 1, 2012

Good morning friends.  Hope ya'll are planning on a great day.  The weather is wonderful.  It is not supposed to get too hot this week and, boy, did we need the rain.  At least we did here on 701S in Conway, SC.  It's rained very hard at times, thunder roared and the sky lit up with bright streaks of lightning.  It can be so beautiful.  It's all God's handi-work!!

Our Devotion For Today:

     Do you ever dwell on the promises of God?  In Romans 8:38-39, the word of God tells us "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any power, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord".  Nothing can separate you from the love of Jesus.  Let this promise trickle throughout your inner-most being.  Let it saturate your heart, soul, and mind.  Nobody can love you like Jesus does.  It is true love, unconditional love!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Marica Jordan-Sweet Potato Suffle

 Recipe for the Week - By My Sister-in-Law, Marcia Jordan

  "Sweet Potato Suffle"

 3 Cups of Cooked Sweet Potatoes
1 1/2 Cups of Sugar
3/4 stick of butter
1 Cup of drained, crushed pineapple
2 eggs well beaten
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 Cup evaporated milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Out and About

Hello there.  I did get out a little this week.  I got by the Haberdashery and say my friends Tracy, Russell, and Eileen.  They were busy.  They had a big sale going on.  I found several pairs of shoes.  You should go by and check it out.  They've got some pretty hats.  Hats are in.  Get yourself one for fun or glamour.  Go for it.

I've been wearing one for a few years now.  I didn't care if they were in or not.  I just love them, as did my Mother.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Prayer List And Praise Report

Ms. June's Assistant here, Ms. June has asked me to post her full prayer list and give a praise report on her behalf because she is with Mr. Roger today.

Please remember these in your prayer time:  

Mr. Roger, he is getting along wonderfully in his recoveries…please keep him and Ms. June and their family lifted up…
Fountain of Life Ministries
Ms. June’s Brother JB - Healing
Our friends - Conway Manor
Our friends- Agape Senior Center
Cathy - Cancer - Healing
Our Pastor and His Wife, Our Leader-for Health and Blessings with knowledge and wisdom and joy and peace
Mr. Richard Hill - Lung Cancer - prognosis is less than one year

And now for the praise! Little Ms. McKenzie, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer, is in

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Devotion July 25, 2012 - 7am

Good Morning Friends!

Looks like another hot week but to me that beats the extreme cold.  Thanks to the Good Lord we have air conditioning.  For those who have a choice, we can stay inside mostly!

Mr. Roger and I would like to Thank you all for your support in your prayers and blessings.  They have meant so much to us both.  Roger is in rehab in Conway now.  He is close to me so I am in and out throughout the day. 

 He is as comfortable as he can be away from home.  Hopefully by the end of this week he will be at home.  He was at Conway Hospital and Grand Strand Regional Medical Center (The Top 5 in the nation Heart and Trauma Center).  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

From Ms.June's Assistant: Prayer For Healing

Hello everybody, Ms. June's blog assistant here asking you all to please remember Ms. June and her husband Roger in your prayers. Mr Roger is still in the hospital and doing well, however we all know how tiring hospital stays can be and they have some recovery time to go through so please continue to lift them up in your prayers as they walk through this time.

The fact is, the devil tries to take peoples health and rob them of their ability to live like God meant for them to, but the TRUTH is that GOD is much bigger than any sickness, than any disease, than any problem the devil can throw at the human body, and He sent His Son to die so that we would be free from sickness! Thank you Jesus! Claim this healing for Mr. Roger and for you and your family, the Lord doesn't want to you to be sick! He wants you to be well, and able to fulfill His plans for your life.

Devotion For July 18th, 2012

Good Morning Friends,

Let's first read Psalm's 139: 22 & 23.  My very favorite verse.  It helps and keeps me close to God.  (Prayer)  23/ Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts; 24/ And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.  KJV

 This is an appropriate prayer for every believer.  Not only must we hate unrighteousness in the world but we must also be aware that there may be something in us that grieves God.  We should be willing to ask God to put us through any test that would further HIS work of sanctification in us.  If anything offensive is found, we must turn from it in repentance.

 Dr. Charles Stanley writes in "In Touch";  Open your heart to the Lord and ask HIM to reveal what you can do to keep moving forward.  HE may want you to give something up, or take something on.  In any case, remember:  Obedience always brings blessings----------now and in eternity.

Also in Psalms 139 v:17 talks about thoughts: How precious also are thy thoughts unto me.  How our God thinks about us.  (His children)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Devotion for Today July, 13th 2012-Friendship

Good Morning Friends!  
Have you ever needed a true, sincere friend?  Sometimes a true friend is hard to come by.  Many friends classify themselves as friends but are they really what is defined as a friend?  Let's look into what a real friend is all about.  Who can we trust as a friend?

Mr. Webster's new dictionary says friend is a noun.  #1 One who attaches to another by respect or affection.  #2  An acquaintence.  #3 One who is not hostile.#4 One who supports or favors something.  What the word of God says (about a friend): 

John 15:  13-15  K.J.V. says Greater Love has no one than this that he laid down his life for his friends.  You are my friends if you do what I command.   I have no longer called you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.  Instead I have called you friends.  For everything that I have learned from my Father I have made known to you. 

Let's go back to our first question.  Have you ever needed a true, sincere friend?  I believe we all have at least once in our lives (whether we admit it or not).  For me, I've had that friend at least for a few years, then she really got messed up in a bad relationship and other things.  She is now past on.  My sister for the better part of my life has held that position to be a true and sincere friend to me.  

Friday, July 6, 2012


What is prayer?  Our communication with God which should be as natural as breathing.

Daniel's prayer for his people  Daniel Chap 9:1-19
What brought daniel to this prayer?
     1.  The word of God.
     2.  Daniel studied Jeremiah.
     3.  The word reveals God's will.

A study of God's word followed by prayer is the formula for determining God's will for our life.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Out & About

 Mr Roger & I went to Dillon, SC Friday night to a gospel singing at East Dillon Baptist Church.  A friend of ours, Bill Sullivan, was singing there along with two larger groups.  An older and familiar group, The Anchormen, sang and they were great!  There was a newer group (for this area) called the 11th Hour.  They are from La.  Wow!!  They had it going on.  They were definitely led by the Spirit of God.  We fell in love with them.  They sang for the Glory of God.  They said they had been in this area once before.  If they come this way again, please see them.  They are worth it!  They come only for a donation for gas.  May God bless them all!  So many (ministers or singers) will not come except for a certain amount of money to PERFORM.

Listen to these and other wonderful singers on 100.9FM The Cross.

Remember the reason for celebrating July 4th.  Get your yard ready with flags, banners, flowers.  I may be coming by for pictures.  My eyes are looking all around.  The old City Hall (by our town clock) with the flags looks so pretty, don't ya'll think?  We are so blessed to live in the beautiful Conway area.  Help to keep it clean!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Mr. Conway's Pie

 A new recipe. Mr. Conway's Pie passed on by Connie Marcantel.  I found this recipe in the Horry County Democratic Party Cook Book (good gracious, they do know how to cook.)  Just joking! 

This makes 3 pies.  Enjoy--so easy--great for church dinners or family get togethers!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Devotion for Today June 27, 2012

                                               Devotion for Today June 27, 2012

     Jesus says to hold His hand and trust Him.  So long as your mind is on Him, and you walk in His light, it is impossible to stumble.  He has designed us above all else to enjoy Him.  We can know the Lord and find our deepest fulfillment in our heart by surrendering our life to Jesus.  He will never leave you or forsake you.  THAT IS A PROMISE FROM GOD!

     Fearful worries melt away in the light of the presence of Jesus.  When we turn away from Him is when we walk into darkness and become vulnerable to the works in this world.  Don't be surprised to find how easily you may sin when you forget to cling to the hand of Jesus.  We need Him!  In this world, dependency is seen as immaturity but in God's kingdom dependency on Him is a prime measure of maturity.

Monday, June 25, 2012

More Alabama Fun!

Veteran's Supper

Here are some more pictures from our trip to Alabama...Hope ya'll are having a wonderful day!

-Ms. June

Wonderful entertainment!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Alabama Or Bust!!!

We had a great time at Mr. Roger's high school reunion in Enterprise, Al.  I didn't know any of his classmates or their spouses, naturally, but they were all really nice and friendly.  Of course, I HAD to mix in some shopping--at the mall in Dothan, Al and the mall in Augusta, Ga.  We mostly traveled on the interstate but were on some rural, country roads.  Wow, some drivers caused concerns!

Enjoyed the trip and the visit with Mr. Roger's surviving siblings--2 sisters and 1 brother.  Mr. Roger is the youngest. 

But there is NO place like home!  Nowhere I've been is as fine as Conway.  I've been to a few nice places, but no place like home.  I left once when I was 17 years old bound for West Palm Beach, Fl.  I was offered a job and a free ride so I crawled in.  Man, I must have been crazy!!  I had a baby on my hip and dreamed of a bigger world and greener grass.  It didn't take long to see it was much larger than I was use to.  I got lost in a land I was very unfamiliar with, people I really didn't know, and they didn't know me.  I couldn't trust them.  I ALLOWED them to lead me astray.  After 7 years I found my way back to Horry County.  I wanted to lay down and kiss the ground.  There is still something special now when Mr. Roger and I go off.  When returning and crossing over into our beautiful state of South Carolina, I feel an awesome peace in my soul.  Then when I see the Horry County sign the peace grows even more.  Dear Lord, I rejoice when we enter into Conway.  Even now tears come to my eyes for we are safely home at last!!  PRAISE GOD!!
                                                                           Ms June

                                 LAUGH OUT LOUD--A little humor picked up on the trip

At the high school reunion, one of Mr. Roger's old classmates shared some childhood memories.  Once, the classmate's father took him and his siblings to the beach at Panama City, Fl.  When they got there, the father lined them up beside the old car for instructions and safety warnings.  He told them "The first one that drowns, we're going home".

Here are some pictures from the reunion:

Some humor from "Laughs & Lifts" a small magazine printed from where Mr. Roger is from:
a.  Arguing-I've never learned anything from someone who agreed with me.

b.  Walking Out - "I hope you didn't take it personally, Pastor," an embarrassed woman said after a church service, "when my husband walked out during your sermon."
      "I did find it rather disconcerting," the preacher replied.
      "It's not a reflection on you, sir," insisted the churchgoer. 
      "Ralph has been walking in his sleep ever since he was a child."

c.  Democrats don't understand THE DEBT CEILING
     Republicans don't understand THE DEBT CEILING
     Liberals don't understand THE DEBT CEILING
     NO ONE understands THE DEBT CEILING
     SO - Allow me to explain----Let's say you come home from work and find 
     there's been a sewer backup in your neighborhood. Your home has sewage 
     all the way up to your ceilings.  What do you think you should do?  
     Raise the ceilings or pump out the crap?

                                                              Ms June and Mr. Roger

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Today is Thursday, June 14th.  It's a beautiful day in Abbyville, Al.  That's right near Eufaula, Al.  A large lake at Eufaula, call Lake Eufaula, is called "The Bass Fishing Capital".  People come from several states to vacation and fish there.  I believe there are rental cabins.  It is a very lovely historic town in the Deep South.  Mr. Roger's sister, Joyce lives near here (in Abbyville).  Her 3 children and there families live near her.  Ladies and gents, if you are big into fishing, you should consider this wonderful town, Eufaula, and its Lake.

Now for this week's devotion.  ARE YOU READY FOR A CHANGE?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Around Town This Week

                                                                       Around Town This Week

Wow!  I'm getting 2 white baby ducks- a male and a female.  I will name them when Mr. Roger and I get back from Ala.  It's his 50th High School Reunion (he says he graduated when he was 9 ha ha).  It will be so much fun and we'll get to share ourselves and our Lord with them.

I was out at Tractor Supply (Hwy 501, Conway) getting some baby duck feed.  Goodness, those people are so nice.  They were trying to wait on me about everywhere I went in the store.  Who knows-might have thought I was a shoplifter with the garb I had on.  The ladies were really nice.

I went in another shop that was new to me-the Spa at 315 Main St, Conway.  There phone number is (843)488-7724.  Two young ladies were working when I went in.  They were very sweet.  One was Danielle Larrimore Johnson.  She is a stylist/make-up artist.  Probably thought I really needed some work done on my face.  They do massages upstairs.  I'm gonna try that out.  I love those, especially if they are GOOD!  They also do reflexology on feet.  If you've never had it done, make an appointment with Ashley Yeager and try it.  I have not tried her yet but I plan to.  I've had my feet done before.  The pulse points in your feet control much of the pain and stress in your body.  It is wonderful once you get adjusted to it.  Please tell them Ms June told you about the shop.

Don't forget Tracy and Russell at the Haberdashery in Blackwater Market.  Go by and see them.  I know you'll love the merchandize and remember they have a family to feed.

Don't forget Father's Day, Sunday June 17th.  If you are fortunate enough to still have your Father, take time to see him and talk with him.  Show him your love.  Remember your husband-serve him breakfast in bed-give him a massage.  He's probably worked at something all week for both of you.  He deserves some special attention.  Serve him Sister Strickland's fresh Blueberry Cream Cheese Pie for dessert (so good it'll make you want to slap your Mammy).  Let it be his special day.  Have fun!!  Happy Fathers Day, men.

Gotta run.  Catch ya'll later.  'Bama bound.

                                                                                  Ms June and Mr. Roger

Sister Strickland's Blueberry Cream Cheese Pie recipe:

Blueberries are still in season.  I picked 7 gallons last week at Burt and Carol Strickland's Blueberry Farm up on Hwy 19 off Hwy 701N.  Turn left off 701N at the old Rankin home.  Keep going to the Pleasant View area.  You will see the berries on the right.  They are really good.  The place is clean.  You can walk and see around everything.  That's important to me.  They are $8 a gallon.  They were plentiful when I was there.  It's 19 miles out of Conway but worth the drive.  They are open Mon-Fri at 7AM.  Their phone number is (843)902-5183.  You will be blessed by this wonderful Christian couple.  They give so much back to our community by helping the needy.  They support special needs children as well as adults with disabilities.  Remember this couple in your prayers.

                                                                    Looking through the eyes of Jesus.

                                                                                  Ms June

Following is Sister Strickland's Blueberry Cream Cheese Pie recipe:

1 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tsp vanilla extract

Combine ingredients.  Beat at med. speed until smooth.  Spread in a baked 9" pie shell (also good in graham cracker crust).  Chill at least 1 hr.

Place 1 cup blueberries in a small saucepan:  Mash with a potato masher or fork.  Add 1/2 cup water and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer 3 mins.  Remove from heat and strain.  If necessary add more water to equal 1 cup.

Combine 1/2 cup sugar & 2 tlbsp cornstarch.  Stir into berry liquid.  Bring to a boil and stir in 1 tlbsp lemon juice.  Cool.

Place 1 1/2-2 cups berries over cream cheese mixture.  Pour glaze over top.  Chill 2-3 hrs.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Hello everybody and good morning!  Has been raining some but more is supposedly on the way.

Let's get to the devotion for today.  I hope you went to church this past weekend.  My hope is for these words to be "fuel for your tank" so you don't run low during the week. 

God wants us to get to the center of our entire being.  He wants to be FIRST in our lives.  He is Jehovah God and His word says "He is a jealous God" (Deut. 6:15).  We MUST NOT put other gods before Him.  At times we tend to get slack and allow people and/or things to come before God.  Some examples are:  job, children, grandchildren, our pleasure, our body, our spouse, etc.  Other things we have to guard against placing before God are cars, boats, sports, etc.  If we are not careful, we can allow one or more of these to become our god and dictate our direction and how we react when hardships come our way.  We should be living close to Jesus Christ as our Savior with His forgiveness of our sins and with His power to overcome our enemy (satan).  God promises you and me life and a more abundant life!

Life doesn't always work out the way we think it should.  God knows best!  Trust Him and place Him first in your life.  Start by welcoming the Holy Spirit into your life and into your day.  Jesus is your Savior and Redeemer, God is His Father, and the Holy Spirit is the Helper/Comforter/Teacher that you need.  God gives the Holy Spirit as a gift to help you in all things.  We will talk more later on the gift of the Holy Spirit.

If you are struggling with health issues or problems such as drug addiction, alcohol addiction, abuse of any form, or things difficult to talk about, Jesus has THE answer.  You must come to Him completely.  It will not work to go only part way and hold part of you back.  God calls this lukewarm and will spew it out.  It must be "whole hog".  Ask Him to forgive you.  If you are sincere, He is quick to forgive.  The harder part is YOU MUST FORGIVE YOURSELF!  God wants this of you.  You can (and must) trust Him completely.

Ask Him into your heart to change your heart, your mindset, and your ways.  Next, confess His name as YOUR Savior.  There are some things you will have to do.  When you truly accept Jesus, you will know and be guided by the Holy Spirit.  This will assist you in choosing right and avoiding wrong.  May you be sanctified (set apart) through the blood of Jesus and daily by the Word of God.  If you do not have access to His word (bible), let me know and I'll see that you get one.  Reading and hearing His word is vital to our Christian walk.  If you make the crucial choice to receive Jesus as your Savior, please let me know.  I want to rejoice along with the Angels in Heaven over a soul being saved into eternal life.  It does not matter how old or young you are, where you are at or where you come from.  It only matters that you accept Him as your Savior and trust Him as your soon coming King!!  Time is drawing shorter than we think or know.  No one should continue putting Him off.  He is coming SOON!!
                                                    Faith and Believe----Mark 11:22-26
                                                                   He Loves You!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Bluberry Cobbler

 Good Morning! I thought I would share with ya’ll my recipe for one of Mr. Roger's favorite desserts--blueberry cobbler, since blueberries are now in season.


4 cups fresh blueberries-washed and stemmed