Thursday, October 25, 2012

Devotion For The Week of October 22nd-28th, 2012


Today is Tuesday, October 23, 2012.  Another beautiful day in Conway, SC.  This weather is just perfect - need a light jacket in the mornings and short sleeves the rest of the day.  Plenty of sunshine for walks on the beach, for golfers on the links, or for Mom and kids to enjoy a great day at the park.  God is so very good to us!  We live in the greatest place on Planet Earth, Horry County, SC specifically Conway, SC - the South, the bible belt on the east coast of the USA.

Now, enough of all that bragging on my home state and county.  Good Morning.  God is good and He is everywhere.  That is one of the wonderful attributes I love most about Him.  He is not limited to space like we are!  He is omnipresent.  He's on time all the time.
Last week we spoke of the Lord my Rock, Yahweh, Tsur.  In the Old Testament, God's proper name is Yahweh (Jehovah).  This is His covenant name to His people, Israel.  His most sacred name must not be taken in vain.

Let's speak today of the redemptive names of God, Yahweh - Yireh and His promises.  Jehovah-Jireh, the God Who provides.  Let's look at the fulfillment of His promise in Genesis 22:1-14 concerning Abraham and Isaac.  This is the first act of worship mentioned in the bible.  It is also the first use of the word "love" in scripture (Gen. 22:2).

Thursday, October 18, 2012

On The Road Again...Check out Ms. June's Mountain Trip Video!

Ms. June was A'travlin' again this past week and we thought that we would do a little something different  and instead of sharing just pictures, we would put together a little movie of sorts....

So, without further ado, here is Ms. June's Mountain Trip Movie. Brought to you via YouTube...
Also, get this week's devotion by clicking here...

One theme in the video is all the beautiful fall colors that have begun to show as the season changes form the

Devotion For The Week of October 15th-21st, 2012

Today is Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012.

 What a beautiful morning to wake up to.  5:30 AM, weather is wonderful, 48 degrees and fair.  Rain last night.  Washed the dirt out of the air.  No rain called for this day.  Wow!  This is the day the Lord hast made.  I (let us) rejoice and be glad in it (Psalms 118:24).


 Let's make it personal for each of us!  Yahweh is responsible for this and it is amazing for us to see (Psalms 118:23).  Yahweh is the Lord.  His personal Hebrew name is Yahweh.  Let Jesus Christ, Yahweh, be Lord of our lives!!!  We re another day closer to His return for His bride.  Are you ready?

     A special thanks to my friend Abbi.  You'll never know what a special blessing you have become to me.  Thanks for the devotion on Oct. 10, 2012 on fear.  It touched my heart.  I know it did for others as well.  People from around the world received it - from the Netherlands, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, France and other countries.  Also, my home country, the USA.  Thank you all!!!  It is so good to see you touching base weekly.  I trust God that you receive something special from Him.  Please remit your comments.  I love to hear from you.


     Yahweh - Tsur    The Lord my Rock  (The Names of God Bible, God's Word Translation)

     Scripture - Isaiah 26:3, 4;  Psalms 62:1, 2;  Psalms 95:1

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Devotion For Week of October 8th-14th, 2012 Fighting Fear

Abbi here. Two of my most favorite scriptures are: Psalm 46: 10 which says, "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” and 2nd Timothy 1:7 which says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind".You see, I dealt with fear everyday of my life as a child.

I was the scardy cat in the family and I was afraid of a whole plethora of things. Dogs, storms, harsh sounds, yelling, fights, the ocean, you name it. The dark was one of my big fears and it got to where I couldn't sleep by myself. Now, my mama did not take kindly to the devil trying to scare her baby, plus she had two other children to tend to and we simply did not have time for me to be scared of every little thing, so one night she told me something that comforted me and I have never forgotten it.

She repeated our  family motto ( "it will be alright") and She recited 2nd Timothy 1:7 and told me to repeat that until I went to sleep. So I did, and as I lay there repeating that promise to myself I started to feel better, at ease, and sleepy! I fell asleep that night and didn't wake up once. After that I tried it during the day when fear would try and come and it worked again!

The more I said it the more I trusted that not only had I not been given a spirit of fear but that God was there to protect me because He was the one who gave me the spirit of love and power in the first place. Sometimes the fear would come unexpectedly and I would momentarily forget my promise and I would run to grandmother or mama and they would hold me and say "everything will be alright" and they would remind me of the promise and I would instantly feel better.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Out And About

I've been very busy this week after getting back from my Florida trip.  Had lunch Wednesday with the Redeemed, Miss Abbi, at the Trestle in downtown Conway, SC. Wow, it was scrumptious.  I had my usual, the fruited chicken salad plate. It hit the spot.  It's always enough for two meals for me.

Most of all I enjoyed the company of my friend, Miss Abbi.  She is so delightful and very sweet and smart. Though she's much younger than I, I know I can learn much from her.  Especially this tech stuff.  She's a whiz and I'm a fiz but I will learn in time.  I'm not THAT old and she is patient and very kind!

Wednesday night at church (Fountain of Life Ministries or FOLM), we had a good crowd, especially for mid-week bible study.  Our pastor, Dr. Jerry Howell, outdid himself.  He taught how to be a successful christian.  He gave us four steps for success in Christ and used the following scriptures:  1 Chron 28: 9,10 and 1 Kings 2:3

    The Four Steps:

     1.  Know the God of our fathers.
     2.  Know His Word.

     3  Know how to pray.

     4.  Know how to stand with integrity.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

She's Back! Devotion For The Week of October 1st-7th 2012 -PLUS! Pictures From The Trip! :)

Ms. June and her roommate for the trip :) 

Hello.  Today is Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012.

Wow, it's a grand day here in Horry County.  For those of you that do not know where Horry County is, it's in northeastern South Carolina and includes the Atlantic Ocean coastline known as the Greater Grand Strand Area.  Myrtle Beach and the Greater Grand Strand was voted the number two favorite place for family vacations in our wonderful USA!  Probably in the entire world!!

Thank you Abbi for standing in for me last week.  I was given Divine favor and offered an expense free trip to Florida to visit the Holy Land Experience in Orlando.  Also included were visits to other beautiful attractions such as Bok Gardens, which is a botanical garden with beautiful birds and flowers.  We also visited orange groves, Disney Candy Shop where the candy is made, and much shopping in downtown Orlando.  I met many wonderful people of all ages and from different countries (Pakistan, Mexico, Germany, etc).  Three different couples were honeymooning, so in love and full of joy and expectations of their futures together.  Each day I tried to show Jesus off and invite somebody to Him.  I encouraged people to go to a church where the truth of God is preached.  There they would find the answers to peace, love and joy.  As a songwriter wrote in a song "I may not have seen God but I have seen what He can do".

Some highlights from the trip....

The Holy Land Experience...

A lady has to have her phone! :)


Wonderful praise and worship

The trip clown

Some of the awesome staff!

The entrance

(Click Here to view the whole album and get an inside visitors look at The Holy Land Experience, a breathtaking production and retelling of Jesus Christ's time on earth, Bok Gardens, Shops, restaurants and so much more! )

Not the exact words of the song but you get the gist of the meaning.  I promise you people, whoever you are, whatever you have done, or whatever you may be thinking right now, God has the answer.  You have tried the world and the world (with all its sins) has no pleasure or joy that will last.  It will leave you empty and alone in darkness, afraid with no where to run or nowhere to hide.  Jesus is soon to return for His children.  Today, open your heart, your mind, and your soul - ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sin.  The Word of God says "For we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  There has never been a perfect person on Earth except Jesus Christ and He was perfect because He was then and is now the Son of the only true Living God Jehovah.