Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Today is Tuesday, May 29th 2012.  My devotion for today:  Emmanuel which means "God is with us" (Matt 1:23.  So, just as you received Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, continue to live in him - rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness (Col. 2:6-7).

May we start each day with a meeting with our Lord, Jesus Christ, pleasing Him, worshipping Him for who He is and what He has done for us.  God is good and desires our praises.  After being renewed with a good night's sleep, I prefer to start my day welcoming the Holy Spirit.  There's something special about early morning before things get so busy.  It's quiet, peaceful and clean looking when the sun is coming up in the country.  Our problems seem so little in the early morning.  I find it MY time to seek my heavenly Father, Emmanuel (God with us), to find answers for today's worries and receive strength for the battles I will face today.  Pour your heart out to Him - He is there for you.  He loves you and everything that touches your life touches Him.  The word of God says to cast your cares on Him for He cares for you.  When we wait until we are in the hectic hustle of the day, it is so easy to get caught up (raptured) in THIS WORLD.  We then often don't know which way to turn.  Suggestion to try for one month--set your clock an hour earlier and talk with Jesus.  Give your first thoughts to Him!  Share everything with Him.  Then have something nice to drink.  I prefer ice water then hot tea.  In the meantime, coffee will be brewing for my darling husband Mr. Roger.  It takes him a while to get started.  Bless his heart, he is definitely a keeper!

You know, about this morning stuff, I've not always been a morning person.  I used to tell people

 "I don't do mornings".  I do now and LOVE it!  Used to do late nights but no longer.  God helped me to change my life style to serve Him better -  and it works!  My desire is to be everything I can be for Him, all that He wants me to be. 

He has a plan for all of us (Jer. 29.11).  It is our choice whether we go down that road or not.  God will not break our will.  That He left up to us.

PLEASE young people, middle-agers and older ones, don't make the mistakes I and others have made by stepping away from God and seeking pleasure in sin.  Listen closely--it was pleasure only for a season(a very short season).  Then came TROUBLE, PAIN, and many CONSEQUENCES.  My My My.  The price paid was far greater than any enjoyment obtained from drugs, alcohol, immoral sex, or any addictions.  People trying to persuade you they have the answer in these sinful things are NOT your friends.  They only want to sell you a life of sin and lies.  It does NOT work.  I've tried about all of it.  Turn away from the darkness.  There is light in Him.  LISTEN - JESUS IS THE ANSWER.  SIN IS STILL SIN, YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER.

If you do not know Jesus as your personal saviour, PLEASE accept Him this hour.  Call upon Jesus's name.  Ask Him into your heart. Admit you have sinned.  Romans 3:23 states we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  Ask Him to forgive you and to breathe new life into you.  Make room for the Holy Spirit.  He is AWESOME.  Let His living waters of life flood through you!  Just receive Him.  Confess Him as your Lord and Savior.  Thank Him for what He is doing in you.  People are different and God knows our personalities and He will deal with each of us on an individual basis.  Listen to Christian music.  I prefer Praise and Worship music, though I love several old hymnals.  Find a church where the message is based on the Bible (God's word).  If you do not have a home or family church, I invite you to visit with us at Fountain of Life Ministry, located just out of Conway on 701S, almost across from Conway Manor Nursing Home.  Pastor is Dr. Jerry Howell.  Examine things - if it is good and beneficial, it comes from Jesus.  If it is bad and potentially destructive, it is from satan.  Satan will try and trip you up.  You must be on guard constantly. He is a liar and goes to and fro seeking to destroy.

Remember, start each day with Jesus.  Put Him first always for He is coming soon!!!

                                                                                                        Ms. June


  1. Thank you so very much for your wonderful words of encouragement!!
    I too have found that I used to be an evening person. My days would not begin until after most others had already been up and completed many of thier tasks.
    Many of my mornings were spent in a hangover state from the use of many prespcription drugs.
    Just like you stated, God has a great plan for everyone. I personally prayed and asked him to deliver me from my presciption drug addiction.
    He did just what I asked him to do. It has been a process to work thru but God is my deliverer and my healer!!
    I now find my eyes "fly" open around 5:30AM and I make a decision at that moment to thank God out loud for allowing me to have another day of life. I find it very helpful to speak God's word over my day. I have some special scriptures posted up in my room. Most mornings I take the time to read them aloud to set the atmosphere for my day!!
    God is an awesome God and I love serving him.
    He has healed me and delivered me!!
    I praise him every day for working in my life, even when sometimes I do not feel it or see it, I choose to beleive that all things are working together for my good!!
    I encourage anyone who reads your blog who may have an addiction or suffer from depression or anxiety to never give up hope. God is hope and HE is able!! There is an answer!!
    Have a great day and I enjoyed your devotion!!

  2. So I loved your blog! I too speak to Jesus each and everyday and Thank HIM for all the blessings in my life. I have a wonderful, loving husband, a beautiful child, and a wonderful family. Until 4 years ago, my life was filled with alot of pain and misery and my decisions and judgements left alot to be desired. Jesus brought me a blessing in disguise; my husband Roger! He is heaven sent and completes my life, as does my son. Most recently, Jesus brought to me, the younger sister I did not know I had. She too is a blessing. It's taken almost 45 years of praying and straying and finally, my prayers were answered. Jesus lives in me and because of that, I am whole again and have learned more about myself and found treasures within me I never knew I had. I have a Naomi and for those of you who "Believe" and attend church, you may know what that is. I think my Naomi and I both, have risen high above our own difficulties due to Jesus' Love. Ms. June, your blog is wonderful and I wish you much success. It captured my eye!
